Posts by Tom Grassano
Love or works
Let me summarize the entire Word of God for you in one sentence:
God loves you and He desires an intimate relationship with you that will rock your world, change your soul, fulfill every dream and desire and bring you to the edge of faith every single day in a new revelation of the reality of who He is and who He wants to be in your life!
Read MoreClimbing the mountain
Many times in this journey my feet hurt. My knees were bruised and bleeding. I was parched, exhausted and weary at the thought of one more tomorrow. I could not quit, because God had called me to climb this mountain. It was His mandate. Somehow I knew that if I ceased to climb this mountain, I would miss the glimpse of His glory that I have been striving so long for.
Read MoreLiving with expectation of the Word becoming flesh today
You – all of you! – have been called by God. From your mother’s womb, God ordained a plan and purpose for your life. How you reconcile that with your choices today and for your future will determine the legacy you will leave on this earth.
Read MoreThe power of one to change the world
As we watch history change before our eyes in the Middle East with governments teetering and people willing to lay down their lives for freedom, we must remember this very important thing:
Somewhere, whether in a room or a coffee house or a university classroom, one person spoke up and said, “Enough! We must fight for change now!” Because that one person dared to speak, others followed, and two governments have already fallen.
Is this not what Christ is calling us to do in these last days? Will we stand up – even if we feel we are alone – and say, “Enough! We must fight for change now! People are in darkness across this world! People still have not heard the truth! I will no longer be silent, nor will I be stationary!”
Read MorePondering death and hope at Christmas
After the unexpected deaths of my aunt last week and a dear friend this week, words of grief and comfort were often accompanied by a statement about how much more difficult death is near Christmas. I began to ponder that thought. The more I did, the more I thought the opposite to be true!
Read MoreSeven Reasons to Go
The church’s ultimate purpose is not the programs we offer to people or the missionary outreaches we do, or our budgets or faith giving, our missionaries dressed in strange costumes, not even about the lost people or the needs of hurting millions. It is about Jesus …
Read MoreIn pursuit of true faith
“The Bible is clear in telling us that God did not send Jesus to die so that we might be comfortable and complacent, but so that we might die to self, pick up our cross, and follow the way of the Master.”
Read MoreToward a New Revolution
Our Messiah and King did not call us to this kind of living! He called us to repudiate conformity, self-centeredness, compromise, pride, title, popularity, self-reliance, and all things that prevent us from being mirrors of Christ. He called us to a revolution of purity, holiness, and radical faith that is needed as much today as ever before in our history.
Read MoreWe Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident
A guiding and persistent truth to our forefathers was that all men are created by their Creator, Jehovah God. This truth and the resulting tenets of our faith guided them in their pursuit of freedom and personal liberty for a new nation. Of course, this was before the world was enlightened that we came from apes, and before that, some form of amphibians that no longer exist … and before that, an accident in space.
Read MoreBe faithful, Be obedient; Persevere.
Be faithful, be obedient; Persevere. In these five simple words lay the profound truth of what it takes to win the favor of God.
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