Pursuing Revival with Right Motives

Perhaps we don’t have the answer because we ask amiss, with the wrong motives. We are not asking God for the revival He truly wants to give us. We are not preparing for the revival He truly wants to give us. We must cease asking amiss and begin to ask according to His heart, His desires, and His plans. What does real revival look like when it comes?

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Hindrances to Revival

What are the hindrances to revival? They are many, and they are very prevalent in many efforts seeking revival today. Here are some of the most harmful ones.

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Pursuing Authentic Revival

There is a lot of talk about revival today, and certainly we are in need of an authentic one. But revival will not come in the ways that we think or even in some of the ways we are pursuing.

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I’m Not Satisfied

I have walked the streets of notorious urban communities. I have ministered the Gospel in four continents. I have seen miracles. I have witnessed God’s hand rescuing people from darkness. But I am not satisfied. I am not content to stay where I am. I am not content to know what I know of Him and know no more. I am not content to sit back and say, “I have seen God’s hand on four continents. I have seen enough.” I have not seen enough. I do not want a cultural expression of Jesus. I do not want a religious expression of Jesus. I do not want a denominational expression of Jesus. I just want Jesus.

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Why I rarely post opinion on social media

In today’s world, news channels and coffee shops are filled with people sharing their opinions, often in a manner that is prideful, abrasive, and rarely involving well-thought-out responses to critical questions. So why not jump into the fray and do the same?

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7 Important Thoughts about the Great Commission

We live in very urgent times and the great task of sharing our faith with many who have not heard still lies before us. Many followers of Christ do not sense this priority, but for those who do, for those who have a heart for God and for the souls that He yearns to have in His fellowship, for those who want to be obedient to His call, here are seven important thoughts about the Great Commission …

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Go and do what? Make disciples?!

The Great Commission occurs numerous times in scripture. Each of the Gospels ends with a commission and Acts begins with it. One of my personal favorites is the Parable of the Good Samaritan which concludes with Jesus’ words, “Go and do likewise.” I think we misinterpret the meaning of this divine command. The Great Commission…

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Abraham Lincoln’s Call to National Prayer

“We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no nation has ever grown. “But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and…

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There is still hope, America!

The United States of America has enjoyed the favor of God and His protection and blessings for over 200 years. Founded on Biblical principles and in the fear of the Lord, bowing their knees and praying to God were common acts of our Forefathers in forming this nation. At his first inauguration, George Washington prayed…

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