An army is not measured by its numbers, the quality and appearance of their uniforms or the quantity of drills they perform on a daily basis. Sheer numbers and appearance do not indicate that an army is able to fight well, defend its people and accomplish its goals.
Likewise, a church is not measured merely by the amount of people who sit in the pews or the amount of programs available for the people.
The quality and effectiveness of the church is measured more by:
- The genuineness of its worship,
- The fervency of its prayers,
- The faithfulness and commitment of its people,
- The hunger and thirst for the things of God,
- The uncompromising teaching of the Word,
- The brokenness and purity of the body,
- The activity of sending into the harvest fields of our families, our city, and our world,
- The discipleship of the sheep and lambs,
- The passion for His name,
- The respect and reverence for His presence,
- The humility and servant-hearts of its leaders,
- The unity of the body,
- The living and growing presence of Christ Jesus.
Many have highly trained musicians, impressive media ministries, gifted communicators, extravagant facilities, and activities for every age group, but they lack many of the qualities above.
If I had to choose, I would choose the church under a tree with these qualities over a performance that stirs my emotions but does not rend my soul, for this is the church where lives and cities can be changed and where I can meet the presence of Christ face to face.