There used to be a time of civility.

There used to be a time of civility. One could disagree with another while still maintaining respect. When there were areas of disagreement, we strove to find common ground for the good of our communities and our nation. To the fault of BOTH sides of the aisle, that day is no more. Free speech is now threatened as people (even the elected in Congress) threaten boycotts and protests simply because they disagree. They strive to shut down freedom of expression because they do not like the views being expressed. They feel that those who are loudest are right, although that is often not the case. And those who champion themselves as the “tolerant” are perpetually intolerant and downright hateful of things that pertain to Jesus Christ and traditional Christian beliefs.

We are in a dangerous time. These roads and others like them are leading us down a pathway of destruction. The insanity must stop. Will you be a part of the change?

Those who are believers in Jesus Christ have the first responsibility to stand up and be counted as peacemakers. To never compromise belief and convictions, but to love, forgive, and seek to preserve unity. And at the same time, to be willing to stand alone for one’s convictions.

I believe the Word of God is true. I stand on the promises, teachings and tenets of faith that are taught and exemplified in it. Thus, I believe there is always hope. That hope is rooted is these often quoted words: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

If you are going to comment with a spirit of accusation maligning those who disagree with you, don’t. You miss the point. Close your mouth, open your heart, and bend your knee. The time is now to change.

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