Posts by Tom Grassano
THIS Is the Time
I have always been inspired by the words of God in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “Then if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.” I have…
Read MoreThis is the word that people don’t want to hear.
God is sovereign. Nothing happens that He did not know about ions of time before it happened. He sees and knows what is happening around us now – every detail, every case of the virus, every angry word, every lie, every form of hate, every mouth of deception. He is fully aware and all-knowing. There…
Read MoreWhat are you doing?
On the front end of this Covid-19 crisis in our country, I wrote my observations about many of the churches and ministries in my country. Through personal conversations with various church leaders, I heard the questions they were asking themselves: How will we communicate with our church members once we close our facility doors? How…
Read MoreAs Long as There Is Sin
As long as there is sin, there will be racism. It does not matter what systems are in place or policies are changed. Racism does not come from government policy. It comes from the hearts of sinful men. Injustice is everywhere in the world. We here in America do not have ownership of injustice. If…
Read MoreA Word before the Crisis Ends
My dear brothers and sisters, I am writing you today with both a burden and an expectation on my heart. Very soon life will begin to move back to normal. This means that our time of being closed in our homes will come to an end. Will Christ Jesus remain the center of our focus…
Read More“Please Lord, do not lift this plague until You have completed Your work among Your people.”
That is a difficult prayer to pray, but it is one that I have been prompted to pray for many days. I am hearing the same cry from friends and fellow servants of the Most High God. A friend in South Carolina said, “God did not send this crisis, but He is using this crisis…
Read MorePost-Christian America?
Every time I hear a reference to a post-Christian era in America, I cringe. Is the Gospel not powerful enough to perpetuate itself unceasingly? Or is there an expiration date on what the power of God can do? Truly if we live in a post-Christian era, it is not the fault of the cross or…
Read MoreThere used to be a time of civility.
There used to be a time of civility. One could disagree with another while still maintaining respect. When there were areas of disagreement, we strove to find common ground for the good of our communities and our nation. To the fault of BOTH sides of the aisle, that day is no more. Free speech is…
Read MoreWriting in the Sand
It’s a poignant and beautiful story in John 8:1-11. While Jesus was teaching, a woman was brought before Him who was caught in adultery. According to the custom and religious law of that day, the woman should be stoned to death for being caught in adultery. The people challenged Jesus and said, “What do you think we should do?”
Read MoreWhat Is the Spirit Saying to the Church?
True revival has come, revival that humbles us before God in repentance and confession; revival that breaks our spirits, destroys our aspirations, crushes our confidence in self and crucifies the flesh; revival that brings us before the throne of grace in recognition of our unfaithfulness and in heart-felt thanksgiving for our salvation.
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